
The Base Chakra: Your Foundation of Home and Life

Chakras are the energy centers of the human body. There are seven major chakras, which lie along the spine from the tailbone to the top of the head. Each chakra is related to different mental states and emotions. A blocked or unbalanced chakra may cause negative attitudes, while an activated and balanced one can boost your spirit and enhance your mental capacity.

The base chakra, Muladhara, is the first chakra of the major seven. It is also called the root chakra because it provides a foundation and basis for other developments in our lives.

The Functions of the Base Chakra

The base chakra is the foundation of your subtle body. It is associated with your sense of security, familial relationships, and your feeling of home. It is the energy center on which all other chakras rely. An activated base chakra is required to make prana flow freely and other chakras balanced.

The base chakra is the chakra of life because it is related to your survival instinct. It controls the primitive animal nature of humans. The “fight or flight” response comes from the prana at your base chakra. Therefore, only when your base chakra is activated will you feel stable and safe enough to explore the world out there.

When the Base Chakra Is Imbalanced

Since the base chakra is linked to your sense of the world, a blocked or imbalanced base chakra may result in an adverse attitude toward your environment. Notably, you will feel unsafe and fear forming a stable relationship with other people. You may also become easily agitated or distracted as you need to spend energy paying attention to your surroundings quite often. This inability to focus may cost much of your energy and lead to a feeling of tiredness or restlessness, which later may become anxiety, panic, or depression. In some extreme cases, you may feel completely stuck and refuse to do anything.

How to Activate the Base Chakra

There are several ways to unblock and balance your base chakra. For example, you can try doing some yoga asana. These yoga postures include stretches, squats, and seated poses to help you connect to the earth and develop a sense of grounding in your feet, legs, and pelvic floor. 

Another way is to practice pranayama breathing techniques. For instance, sitting and deep breathing while imagining roots growing from your seat and into the earth will help you open the base chakra to draw in prana. Another technique is alternate nostril breathing. While sitting straight, you press the right nostril closed with the thumb, inhale through the left nostril. After a brief pause, you press the left nostril closed with the ring finger and exhale through the right nostril. Pause for a moment, and then inhale with the right nostril and exhale with the left one. Repeat this process for 5 minutes.

MicroGen for the Base Chakra

MicroGen offers programs to help you unblock and balance the base chakra. Type “chakra” in the search box, and you will find a series of programs to help activate your chakras. Choose “Chakra 2 Base” or “Chakra Base Root” and run low power mode. TENS pads should be placed on the two sides of your tailbone. It would be more effective if you also meditate on the base chakra while running the program.

Balancing the base chakra can help you find a sense of security and boost your performance in other aspects of life. A stable foundation is useful in daily activities and can also help you awaken your spiritual awareness.

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